• The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2019
February 04, 2020 - March 29, 2020
Country of Activity

Mapping, Observing, and Building Network between Platforms for Young Choreographers

Observing, Mapping, and Networking Among Platforms for Young choreographers has been planned since 2017 after observing TPAM as well as the Yokohama Dance Collection 2017. This project aims to navigate how platforms, festivals, and spaces have been a part of the emerging choreographer’s journeys. On the other side, it questions how emerging choreographers navigate themselves in the middle of possibilities and challenges on the dance scene as well as responding to contexts, situations, systems, and environments that are always changing vis-a-vis their idealism and future imagination. This Japan case study will be a pilot project for the next research plan in other countries in Asia, especially Southeast Asia, at first. The physical outcome of this project will be processed as a compilation of essays that will be published as a book; meanwhile separate articles will also be published on ( ).

AiR Presentation at Dance Box Kobe - by Yumiko Nakashima
Crowd in UrbanGuild waiting for FOuRDancers
Final Announcement Yokohama Dance Collection 2020
Main Cities of Activity
Japan:Yokohama ,Kobe
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
Activity Reports
Observing, Mapping, and Networking Between Platform for Young Choreographers (Case Study: Japan)

Fellows related to this Grantee



Vriesia Tissa Florika

Indra Menus

Dikdik Sayahdikumullah

Gardika Gigih Pradipta

Ima Puspita Sari

Countries of Activity


Nguyen Nam

Gardika Gigih Pradipta

Warin Boonyaputthipong

Jay Flores Ticar

Lim Sokchanlina


Choy Ka Fai

Fairuz Sulaiman

清水 美帆

Nguyen Thanh Thuy

Yu Tamura

Yoshiji Yokoyama