Jay Flores Ticar

  • Artist
  • Philippines
    • Visual Arts
    • Music/Sound Performance
  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2017
June 01, 2017 - November 30, 2017
Country of Activity
Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam

Visual Art, Not Music: Seeing Sound Art in Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam

Sound art as a global practice is gaining popularity in Asia. As an artist and audience of sound art, Jay Ticar intends to render an active kind of participation in this phenomenon. His objective is to work towards understanding the scope of sound art and to be able to gather materials to produce his own projects. To achieve this, he conducted a series of interviews with known professionals of sound related practices that he began independently in Manila to his fellowship areas. He conducted activities in the developed art scene of Japan, the highly active field in Indonesia and the shifting cultural setting in Vietnam. As a result of his fellowship activities, he has constructed an understanding which can be a good tool for critical dialogue regarding the situation of sound art in specific locations. His understanding stems from the difference between mature and developing scenes in sound art. In relation, there are sensibilities, practices and conditions of artistic development which contribute to having basic fundamentals that supports the progression of this practice. These are the conceptual materials he gathered throughout his fellowship.

Main Cities of Activity
Japan: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto/ Indonesia: Yogyakarta, Bandung/ Vietnam: Hanoi
Activity Reports
Visual Art, Not Music: Seeing Sound Art in Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam

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増山 士郎

柴田 祐輔

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