Yu Tamura

  • Dancer
  • Japan
    • Dance
  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2017
March 01, 2018 - August 31, 2018
Country of Activity

Moving Resilience – Exploring Community Dance Amidst Disaster

Click the Translation button below for English.
This was a six-month community dance project conducted during the period March 1st -August 31st 2018 in the Philippines. The project focused on working with partner organization and groups with non-verbal language and a process of discovery, to embody resilience capacities and qualities through a dance and body movement approach. This involved exploring how dance and body movement can contribute to physical awareness, sustaining hope, purpose and the social process of resilience, generating mutual, physical space to regain energy towards peaceful and healthy community dynamics and atmosphere that will allow space for social healing to occur and the social fabric to be restored.

Main Cities of Activity
Dumaguete, Palo, Tacloban
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
Youth Advocacy Through Theater Arts (YATTA)
Activity Reports
Moving Resilience – Exploring Community Dance Amidst Disaster(481KB)

Fellows related to this Grantee


Atsushi Tsubouchi

Yuzo Uda

狩野 哲郎

Ami Yamasaki

柴田 祐輔

Hiroshi Iguchi

Countries of Activity

Fuyumi Yamamoto

Masatoshi Mukoyama

Jimenez Verdejo Juan Ramon

武田 力

Kanade Yagi

Judha Su


Fairuz Sulaiman


清水 美帆

Yoshiji Yokoyama

Choy Ka Fai

Nguyen Thanh Thuy