Strengthening Japan-Thailand Research Network on Cultures of Transnationalism and Diaspora

  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成30 (2018) 年度
JPY 1,026,804
タイ, 日本

The project aims at strengthening Japan-Thailand research network. The project has achieved a great deal of success in terms of strengthening academic linkages through collaborative research, fieldworks, seminars and paper writing. Mutual learning processes between Japanese and Thai scholars and graduate students have been accomplished from fieldwork and seminars, and engagement with local communities in Thailand and japan. These learning processes have been documented and analyzed in written papers to be published in the near future by Kanazawa University. Fieldworks in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Kanazawa prefecture, Japan, served as platforms to expand and enhance mutual cultural understanding and exchange as well as promoting human resources from both academic institutions and strengthening networks of scholars and students from various countries in Asia.

日本, タイ


Both institutions are highly appreciative of the Japan Foundation’s generous support for our project.
We have tried to achieved all objectives and goals outlined in our proposal. We regret that our project is a bit delayed due to conflicting academic calenders between our institutions and we hope to be able to fulfill our obligations to the Japan Foundation in the near future.



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