Convened by the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia in collaboration with the ASEAN-ISIS, this year's Asia-Pacific Roundtable(APR) attracted 319 participants from 25 countries. It featured ten sessions covering a wide range of issues held on 2 and 3 June 2015.
They were :
1) "The Search for Security in the Asia Pacific : Implications for Future Stability"
2)"China's New Strategic Initiatives"
3)"ASEAN Beyond 2015 : What Does it Mean to be a Community?"
4)"The Maritime Domain : Strengthening Stability, Promoting Confidence"
5)" A debate on the motion : "Cyber Conflict is Simply a Question of When, Not If"
6)"New Security Frontiers : The Resource Nexus Challenge"
7)"The Geopolitics of EPAs in the Asia-Pacific"
8)"Surveying the Southeast Asian Political Terrain"
9)"Calibrating the Design of the Asia-Pacific Security Architecture"
10)"Radicalisation Redux : Bigger, Badder, Bolder?"

- 関連する国/地域
- 日本, シンガポール, フィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシア, タイ, ベトナム, カンボジア, ラオス, ミャンマー, ブルネイ, 中国, ニュージーランド, オーストラリア, 米国 etc.
- 協力団体/協力者
- ASEAN Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS)