Asian TYA Network Programme

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2019
Grant Amount
JPY 2,854,738
Country of Activity

Asian TYA Network Programme has been delivered since 2016 by ACO Okinawa with the aim to establish a long-term network with TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) practitioners in Asia, mainly Southeast Asia, to raise awareness and interest in TYA by sharing and inspiring each other, and to contribute in creating an environment where all children grow up with quality artistic experiences. It hopes to become a platform to meet diverse TYA works and artists, to exchange ideas and information in order to discuss about common issues, to learn various skills and approaches in order to broaden the perspective as an artist, and to learn from each other while recognising the different situations in each country and region, which should result to develop TYA in Asia.

Project Website:

Related Countries
Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Members of 2016-2019 Asian TYA Network Programme

From the Organizer

Through the activities of the last 4 years since 2016, we established a network with artists, producers, researchers and activists in Southeast Asia and shared the understanding about the situation, characteristics and issues of TYA in this region. As we managed to build close relationship with practitioners in Southeast Asia who will lead TYA in the region through network activities such as the programme at ricca ricca*festa and research trips, we worked on the restructure of the network which would enable members to develop and promote TYA related activities from their own communities. We are aware this is going to be challenging to sustain the long-term, practical network in Southeast Asia where most countries do not have an established funding structure, however we aim to do so with the relationships we established for the last 4 years.

Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju – Connecting through Sound Art

Building the platform for energy design and creative society in Asia

International Co-production — RE/PLAY DANCE Edit

Japan-Vietnam preview of the collaborative film “Blowing in the Winds of Vietnam”

Esplanade & Suntory Hall Global Creative Collaboration Project

one table two chairs meeting 2016


範宙遊泳×The Necessary Stage「範宙遊泳シンガポール滞在(リサーチ・WS)」

KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform

The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory

Mahabharata Part 4

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network

International co-production project of performing arts with Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thai and Indonesia