KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
PHP 1,075,943.71
Country of Activity

This project was a pioneering contemporary and alternative creative laboratory for performance and social innovation in the Philippines.
It highlighted the community of leading change-makers from the Manila scene whose works and practices are representative of the alternative wave of art-making in the Philippines. It had been envisioned to:
1.Celebrate the new wave of performance practices in the country; 2.Heed the need for sustainable platforms for active independent art practitioners; 3.Address the importance of creativity in community and nation-building; and 4.Involve artists and those from other cultures, fields and specializations in a proactive conversation towards creating a collaborative movement for greater artistic and social transformation.
One of the platforms under KARNABAL was the International Idea Exchange Platform. Recognizing the importance of cross-cultural exchanged in development, this platform was specifically designed to host selected international artists interested in immersing with the local community of contemporary creatives. This offered international participants the opportunity to collaborate on new works and perform with Filipino artists, as well as shared their own works and practiced as part of the growing conversation about what “performance and social innovation” could mean globally.
The main activities of this project occurred alongside the other festival activities at multiple sites in Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila.

Achievements of FY 2017 https://grant-fellowship-db.asiawa.jpf.go.jp/en/grant/cc1717/

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Australia, South Korea, U.S.A.

Projects related to this Grantee


KARNABAL Festival 2016 and Continuing International Exchange

Countries of Activity

Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project Pan Asia “Mahabharata Part 3” Indnesia Tour

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth in Philippines , Kapan and Indonesia

Jejak-旅Tabi Exchange: Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance

ONE ASIA Joint Concert 2016

Japan/Philippines/Thailand Asia collaborative project

東南アジア島嶼部 異文化共同プロジェクト 『島嶼の王国シリーズ:ゴング三部作 』


Sustainment and Development of the Platform for Asia, Women, and Performing Arts

Japan-Singapore collaboration project to translate and present a reading of the play COGITO

Japan & Thailand Collaboration “Sleep in Peace” (temporary title) by Theater company RINKOGUN

International co-production project of performing arts with Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thai and Indonesia

Multitude of Peer Gynts: An Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

Asia Plays 2019 Book Publishing and Launching