Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2018
Grant Amount
JPY 5,070,700
Country of Activity
Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan


"What is the ideal form of democratic government for Asia?" (1/2)
"What is the ideal form of democratic government for Asia?" (2/2)

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
The Centre for Strategic and International Studies, CSIS
The WAHID Institute
Merdeka Center is an opinion research

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee


Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’ Dialogue

Countries of Activity

Once Upon A Time

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2018 Satellite Meetings

Research and Conference for Facilitating Corporate Mecenat Activities and Establishing a Network in Asean Countries

Transformative Learning Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable ASEAN Community

Community Radios for promoting dialog beyond borders for building resilient communities

The Tale of Two Countries: The Future of Urban Kampung and Cityness


Exchange and Training on Human Rights in Myanmar

29th Asia Pacific Roundtable

Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA)

Japan Study Trip 2017

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’ Dialogue

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue