In this three-year project, we have established the regional platform “Civic Engagement 4.0” to discuss critical sustainability issues and turn the discussions into effective actions, while envisioning a sustainable future society in Asia. To kick-start the platform, we have held “transformative learning” and “civic engagement” as two guiding principles, taken special notice of practices and policies initiated by the civil society, and built upon their achievements and lessons. In Year 1 (2017), we converged representative civic engagement cases, identified major sustainability issues, and expanded civil society networks through in-person exchanges among like-minded individuals, organizations, and movements. In Year 2 (2018), we played an active and leading role in an international forum attended by the region’s major higher educational institutions, further elaborating the project’s basic concepts and principles such as “transformative learning” and “social sustainability” and securing a firm foundation to launch a regional platform. In Year 3 (2019), we hosted “Civic Engagement 4.0 / the Solo International Forum” in Solo, Indonesia, in which academics / students, CSO workers, and the general public gathered with sustainable interaction between urban and rural communities as overarching interest, had in-depth discussion on specific sustainability issues, and engaged interface dialogues with progressive mayors invited from Indonesia and Thailand.

- Related Countries
- Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- Kota Kita
- Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS)
From the Organizer
Chulalongkorn University is keen to continue to support Civic Engagement 4.0 especially in its relevance to the university’s flagship project “Bangkok Forum” that was launched in 2018. In May 2020, the second Bangkok Forum is expected to take place and an executive meeting has started to discuss its conceptual framework which emphasizes “engaged university”. It is likely to accommodate key values and activities of Civic Engagement 4.0.