Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2018 Satellite Meetings

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2017
Grant Amount
USD 41,780.65
Country of Activity
Japan, Indonesia

This project aims to begin a dialogue among arts practitioners in Asia on the importance of dramaturgy in contemporary performance. More than that, it aims to stress the urgent need for all performance-makers, arts practitioners and cultural managers to develop dramaturgical consciousness in their work that is intimately associated with the artistic and the cultural, with critical thinking as an important element. This is achieved through systematic and organised gatherings where arts and cultural workers can meet in a focused programme to discuss, share, debate and discourse on dramaturgical practices, thinking and even consciousness that may be very specific to Asian socio-cultural and political situations that influence art-making processes and productions.
From 2016 to 2018 the Asian Dramaturgs’ Network (ADN) has had three successful symposiums and one focused laboratory that are predominantly supported by Asia Center which brought together more than 76 arts practitioners, performance-makers, dramaturgs, curators, academics, researchers producers from Singapore, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand to discourse in various forms and settings, such as panels, roundtables and working groups and take part in dramaturgy workshops.

Project Website
Achievements of FY 2016
Achievements of FY 2015

Related Countries
Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, India etc.
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) 2018

From the Organizer

The range and quantity of ADN’s activities were made possible primarily because of the sustained funding from Asia Center for the past three years. Because of the three-year funding under the Asia Center, we at ADN have developed a sprouting network of individuals and organisations across Asia that now enables us to seek out material, intellectual, financial, logistical and infrastructural resources to help our organisation continue with our activities.
The challenge now is to sustain the momentum of the activities of ADN beyond the three-year funding of Asia Center. Because of the fast momentum of ADN activities in 2016-2018, and the timely need for discourse on dramaturgical practices in Asia, opportunities have arisen for discussion with potential partners in Bangkok (Thailand), Manila (Philippines) and Taiwan. Plans for to hold a symposium in Singapore in May 2019 is currently underway.

Projects related to this Grantee


Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2017 Meeting

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network

Countries of Activity

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Asian TYA Network Programme

The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory

Asia Performance Art Workshop

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth of the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan

Japan – Vietnam Collaborative Theatre Project

SCENE/ASIA : Movement Toward Active Spectatorship