Click the Translation button below for English.アジアの若手クリエイターによる短編映像作品のコンテスト開催、及び作品上映会とセミナー・懇親会を実施。アジア11の国と地域において予選を行い、各地のトップ作品を制作した若手クリエイター達が「DigiCon6 ASIA」表彰式へ参加し、互いの作品を鑑賞・交流することで相互理解を深めるとともに、視野を拡げ、海外へ発信する意欲を持つことを目標とした。また、日本のトップクリエイターによるアジア各地でのクリエイティブセミナー開催を通し、日本の映像文化をアジアに紹介するとともに、交流を深めた。現在の参加国と地域は日本、中国、台湾、香港、韓国、シンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、インド、インドネシア、ベトナム。
Achievements of FY 2018
Achievements of FY 2017
Achievements of FY 2016

- Related Countries
- Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hongkong
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- AOI ASIA Indonesia
- Malaysia Animation Creative Content Centre (MSC)
- CG+
- etc.
From the Organizer
By subsidizing travel expenses, we were able to invite creators who will be instrumental to the next generation of each region, and the support of the costs of the showing hall, video conversion, and MA equipment that had not previously fit within the budget allowed Asian creators to enjoy cultural exchange in a greatly improved environment. The showings provided an opportunity for creators to speak about their own films, and for them to mingle with the judges who stand at the forefront of the industry, helping them to grow. In the future, we would like to aggressively approach Asian countries and regions that did not take part in DigiCon6 ASIA, and focus upon bringing about the opportunity for exchange among a greater number of creators.