Co-production of Program and Workshop with TV Media 2015! IN VIETNAM

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 5,452,389
Country of Activity
Vietnam, Japan

A project to deepen intellectual exchange with people involved in TV media production in ASEAN countries. We held participatory interactive workshops to share the knowledge and expertise of those working in Japanese media with TV production personnel from ASEAN countries. Additionally, we also held the “Student TV Program Production Course,” which had students co-produce a TV program with a video production company. By jointly producing and broadcasting programs with partner countries that promote the understanding of Japan, this project aimed to secure stable economic activities between both countries and to expand tourists to Japan through the promotion of the understanding of Japan and improving sentiments to Japan.

Related Countries
Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei, Korea, Hongkong, Taiwan
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
VIETNAM Television (VTV) 6
Ho Chi Minh City Television (HTV)

From the Organizer

Program broadcast on Ho Chi Minh City TV (May 20th 2016/Main broadcast, May 22nd, 27th, 29th/rerun). (Program on tourism in Nagano Prefecture, infrastructure in Tokyo such as subways, and food culture such as Japanese miso). It seems that there is a high degree of interest in visiting Japan for media coverage. In particular, there was a high interest in coverage areas. If we can conduct continued visits to Japan for media coverage, we can expand our circle of cultural exchange through media to various parts of Japan. On the other hand, there was a prevalent image of Japan amongst local media personnel, and there was apparently a major discrepancy between their images of Japan versus the reality. It is a major issue to deliver accurate information on Japan to local regions.

Projects related to this Grantee


Building Friendship through Japanese“radio exercises”

Countries of Activity


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The community improvement in East Asia – Infectious diseases, demographics, urbanization and rural areas

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Japan-Vietnam preview of the collaborative film “Blowing in the Winds of Vietnam”

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