Hiroshi Iguchi

  • Recording Engineer/Producer
  • Japan
    • Music/Sound Performance
    • Traditional Culture/Cultural Heritage
  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2015
February 18, 2016 - March 24, 2016
Country of Activity

Research and Recording on the ethno-music of NAGA, Myanmar

Located on either side of the border between Myanmar and India, the Naga Hills are home to 4.4 million Naga people. Approximately one-tenth of them, or 400,000 people live in Myanmar, but there are very few records about this ethnic minority. Since it has been closed from the outside world for a long time in a remote place far from central Myanmar, unique languages and traditional culture have been maintained there. With the cooperation of the leading groups, Lainong Naga and Gongvang Pounyu Naga, the author visited the villages where they live and recorded a unique, unknown world of sound in audio and video format. This project is just the start of recording the unique, unknown Naga world of sound, which is in danger of being blown away in the storm of modernization that is rapidly sweeping across Myanmar. This project can be broadly divided into two research activities. The first is visiting the villages around Lahe in the center of the Naga Hills on the Myanmar side, recording their songs and dances, and interviewing experts. The other is staying for 2 weeks in Shaplo village where the Gongvang Pounyu Naga live, producing a traditional drum (khiam) passed down by the Naga, and recording the whole process with video.

Main Cities of Activity
Lahe, Shaplo
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
Lainong Literature and Culture Committee
Activity Reports
ミャンマーの少数民族、ナガ族の伝統音楽の調査と映像記録の作成 (2MB)
Research and Recording on the ethno-music of NAGA, Myanmar (2MB)

Fellows related to this Grantee


Ayaka Yamashita

柴田 祐輔

Kanade Yagi

Ryo Hirano

Asako Fujioka

Jimenez Verdejo Juan Ramon

Countries of Activity

柿塚 拓真

Asako Fujioka


Prapat Jiwarangsan

Okui Lala

Yuzo Uda


Tomoko Momiyama

Atsushi Tsubouchi

Jay Flores Ticar

Kumiko Yabu

Yasuno Miyauchi

Nguyen Thanh Thuy