130th Anniversary of Japan – Thailand Relations Concert by FEROCI PHILHARMONIC WINDS

  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成29 (2017) 年度
THB 1,751,000
タイ, 日本

On the occasion of the 130th Anniversary of the establishment of Japan-Thailand Diplomatic Relations, the Faculty of Music at Silpakorn University is proud to host the 130th Anniversary of Japan-Thailand Relations Concert by FEROCI Philharmonic Winds, both in Thailand and Japan, to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries through musical performance. We have invited renowned Japanese musicians to collaborate with our top Thai artists for both concerts. Featured artists include Mr.Yasuhide Ito as a band conductor, Mr. Nobuto Yamanaka on Shamisen (a traditional Japanese musical instrument), Mr. Somnuek SaengArun on Thai Oboe and Mr. Anant Narkkong on traditional Thai Fiddle. We strongly believe that the concerts will strengthen the ties between the two countries through the art of musical collaboration. These two concerts were held as following; 1. 31st October 2017 at Main Concert Hall, Thailand Cultural Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. This concert was presided over by General Tanasak Patimapragon, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand. 2. 14th November 2017 at Tama Shimminkan Concert Hall, Kawazaki, Kanagawa, Japan. The Feroci Philharmonic Winds of Silpakorn University would like to continue using this professional network of artists and institutions to make a creative music platform to lead the lead in a new trend of musical creativity that combines the high arts of both countries with Western art, producing more variety in composition techniques for wind orchestra repertoire for a 21st century audience.

日本, タイ


On behalf of the Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University, I’m writing to say thank you to the Japan Foundation Asia Center for your generosity in regards to the grant for the 130 Anniversary of Japan–Thailand Relations Concert. The 130th Japan-Thailand Relations Concerts have been very successful. The 1st performance took place in Thailand Cultural Center on the 30th October 2017 with approx. 1,200 attendances in the audience. And the 2nd performance too place at Tama Shiminkan Concert Hall in Kawasaki City on the 14th November 2017 with approx. 700 attendances in the audience. The project was especially meaningful. It helped our students understand that through hard work and learning about Japanese and Thai music culture, opportunities for overseas performance and career success are available to them. Without your support, we would not have enjoyed ourselves nearly as much. I look forward to sharing the experiences we had there with others at Silpakorn.



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