Collaboration for the Conference-Workshop of Asian Composers on Reconfiguring Music,Nature,and Myth

  • フィリピン
    • 音楽
  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成27 (2015) 年度
JPY 2,427,183

The 33rd International Festival and Conference of the Asian Composers League (ACL) is a week-long festival held from November 6 to 11, 2015. It featured premieres of choral pieces, art songs, ethno- pop, electronic, multi-media, orchestra, chamber music, symphonic band and works by young composers from the Asia-Pacific countries (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines); workshops, traditional music concert, conference, forum (ACL Young Composers Forum), country reports and other important activities that were planned to strengthen network among Asian composers, to encourage music creation and an understanding of the musical culture of each member country. As a country host, ACL Philippines ensures that more opportunities are offered to promote Philippine music.
This event was significant in many ways. To coincide with the integration of ASEAN, music from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam enjoyed greater visibility than in previous festivals. Musicians and composers from these countries came to Manila and conducted workshops and a traditional music concert. This featured the music from Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand at the CCP Little Theatre. This concert offered a rare chance to hear the Vietnamese monochord, the đàn bầu, the Cambodian bamboo xylophone, roneat ek, and Laotian dulcimer, the khim on a single program.
Through this project, the Asian Composers League was able to encourage the creation of music based on Asian identity and collaborate with other forms of artistic expressions. The grantees from different Asian countries were able to establish artistic ties among their fellow composers and echoed their collaborations in the conference. Some composers were also able to conduct workshops, did composing and performance of contemporary music. The collaborations enhanced the awareness among countries about LOCAL CULTURE with attention to nature, the value of ritual, the consciousness about myths, and their cultural roots is a conscious effort to enhance composer’s sensitivity to their natural world.

日本, シンガポール, フィリピン, インドネシア, タイ, ベトナム, カンボジア, ラオス, 韓国, 香港, 台湾, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, イスラエル etc.
University of the Philippines Center for Ethnomusicology
Centro Escolar University



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