Humanities, Social Sciences and the Public Sphere in 21st Century Asian Societies:Cambodia, Japan, and Malaysia
This project aims to stimulate an academic and intellectual exchange on the presence of the humanities and social sciences within Asian societies. While the humanities and social sciences are well established within Japan and Malaysia, this is not the case in Cambodia. Through study visits, intellectual exchange and a research conference, this project attempts to revitalize the presence of the humanities and social sciences within the Cambodian public sphere and sketch a roadmap for the future of the humanities and social sciences within 21st-century Asian societies.

- 主な活動地
- 日本:京都、マレーシア:ペナン
- 受入機関/協力者
- Dr.Wan Chang Da(マレーシアサインズ大学)
- Dr.Jeremy Rappleye(京都大学)