Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

  • Organizer Name The Nihon Ki-in
  • Japan
    • Traditional Culture/Cultural Heritage
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 3,197,332
Country of Activity

Leaders in Go from Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam were invited for the project. We utilized a guidebook with methods established by Mizuma, holding a lecture to build leaders. We made a presentation about the current state of Go classes in schools in Japan, and shared educational processes and administrative knowhow. Participants visited actual university Go classes, as well as elementary afterschool Go courses, and practiced teaching Go to elementary school students. Also, each country announced the situations of Go in their own country and the present state of its popularization, sharing the information with one-another. Knowhow was jointly examined to promote the introduction of Go education in schools, and opinions were exchanged on future efforts. As a summary of collaborative research and work, a joint announcement of the training was created. We plan to introduce the results, including co-authored texts of this training course, to 76 countries and regions around the world through the International Go Federation homepage and general assembly.

Achievements of FY 2017
Achievements of FY 2016

Mizuma gives a Go leadership course (using Mizuma’s methods)
A leadership experience in an afterschool classroom at Chiyoda Elementary School
Malaysian participants give a presentation on the state of Go in Malaysia
Observing a Go class at Aoyama Gakuin University
Participants work together to write their presentations
Related Countries
Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Singapore Weiqi Association
Go Association of Thailand
Malaysia Weiqi Assosiation
Vietnam Chess Federation
The International Go Federation

From the Organizer

With the participation of young leaders attempting to popularize Go in their own countries, we felt a very strong sense of leadership. After the course, for countries in which high recognition of Go has yet to be achieved, there were specific proposals to translate the guidebook used in this course into the languages of the countries. Some countries intended to use their preexisting knowledge as a base, while gradually implementing Mizuma’s method and the 7 fundamental routes recommended by Japan. Since there were many young participants, and the grant made payment of travel expenses possible for some countries, we feel that support of this area is necessary in the future as well. Through this project, the basis of continuing exchange between Japan and ASEAN countries was formed, but specific discussion of an “Asian Go congress” has yet to be held. However, it was agreed that in the “Japan Go Congress, World Go Festival” to be held in February, 2018 in Shizuoka, many participants would be invited from ASEAN countries.

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Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

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Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN