Aichi International Women’s Film Festival 2015

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 2,924,216
Country of Activity

At the Aichi International Women's Film Festival we screened films from various Asian countries and held events such as mini-symposiums in order to consider gender equality and cultural exchange together with the invited directors and actresses. In all 5 mini symposiums were held, with special guests from 4 countries (India, Iran, Cambodia and the Philippines) in attendance and 11 films screened (from India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei).

Achievements of FY 2016

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Taiwan, Israel
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Sotho Kulikar 
Ma Rynet
Ida Anita Q. del Mundo
Mara Lopez Yokohama

From the Organizer

Through the realization of this project we were able to provide opportunities for contact with Asian cultures, including ASEAN member countries, through film. In addition, by presenting female directors etc. active in the international film industry we were able to contribute to the nurturing of the next generation of female directors who will carry film culture forwards. Furthermore, we were able to have a direct exchange of views with directors from each country about differences in awareness and progress on gender equality in their countries, as well as raise issues for problem solving. By making use of the Japan Foundation grant we were able to restart the writing of subtitles for new film productions which had been on hold. Also, while normally we would only be able to invite one or two international guests, this time we were able to invite 6 people and as a result could put on a full symposium. We would like to continue with this project so as to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to learn more about ASEAN member countries.

Projects related to this Grantee


Aichi International Women’s Film Festival 2016

Countries of Activity

Community art project in afflicted areas of Tsunami – Japan, Aceh and Malaysia -

Nara International Film Festival 2016 “OUT IN JAPAN×NIFF”

Japan-Vietnam Joint Special TV

The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia

Rising Indies! Tokyo-Manila

The YOUKIZA & Youth Theatre of Vietnam 2015 collaboration “WILD DUCK ADDICTION”


Co-production of Program and Workshop with TV Media 2015! IN VIETNAM

SEAShorts Film Festival 2017

4th SEAFIC Southeast Asia Fiction Film Lab program, sessions 3 (2020-2021)

Manila, Tokyo, FESTIVAL OF THE RECENTLY POSSIBLE 2019: Towards an Asian Network of Digital Art & Sound

Southeast Asia – Niigata Youth Exchanges Project with the Concept of “Community Development Backed Up by Manga and Anime Culture”

The 60th anniversary of Japanese and Lao Diplomatic Relations Movie Project