Asako Fujioka

  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2016
December 01, 2016 - January 15, 2017
Country of Activity
Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia

Cultivating filmmaking and screening collaboration in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar

Visiting countries of the Mekong Basin currently transitioning through a period of political and economic liberalization—Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia—I built relationships with documentary and independent filmmakers and programmers, studied the state of their activities, and together considered the potential for joint international production and broader-reaching film screenings in the future. I also engaged in interchange with central figures of regional film industry leader Thailand, and exchanged views about organization of future projects. During my travels, I hosted screenings of the 1964 Japanese film ON THE ROAD: A Document (directed by Noriaki Tsuchimoto) at four locations in Thailand and Cambodia, and described the rush of construction work, the dangerous traffic situation, and the attitude of documentary filmmakers of the time in the run up to the Olympics in 1964. I also provided mini-lectures describing documentary film festivals in Yamagata and around the world. Moving forward, I am prepared to draw on the experience and connections built through the fellowship to work with individuals everywhere on projects to produce, screen, and propagate documentary films.

Achievements of FY 2014
Achievements of FY 2018

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Countries of Activity

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