Nozomu Ogawa

  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2015
January 12, 2016 - April 12, 2016
Country of Activity
Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

Alternative ASIA (Research in the Alternative Space of ASEAN)

This project aims to research the current state of alternate spaces scattered in ASEAN countries, and by connecting them, create a new network and disseminate them to the world. The author visited and surveyed alternative spaces that are vigorously active in ASEAN countries including the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. In the field, the author met the artists, directors, and curators who made these spaces, and in dialogues with them, researched and surveyed the actual state of alternative space activities, awareness of common problems, and trends among artists gathering there. The author also introduced Japanese alternative spaces including Art Center Ongoing and artists and related projects at each Southeast Asian space he visited.

Main Cities of Activity
Philippines: Manila, Baguio, Cebu Indonesia: Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur Thailand: Chieng Mai, Chiang Rai, Bangkok Vietnam: Ho-chi-Minh, Hue, Hanoi and others
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
98B COLLABoratory
KUNCI Cultural Studies Center
lostgens’ contemporary art space
Chiang Mai Art Conversation
Zero Station
Activity Reports
東南アジア9カ国のオルタナティブアートスペースの現状 (307KB)
Status of alternative art spaces in 9 Southeast Asian countries (249KB)

Fellows related to this Grantee


武田 力

Yasuno Miyauchi

Hiroyuki Muneshige

山口 惠子

Masatoshi Mukoyama

柴田 祐輔

Countries of Activity

武田 力

Fuyumi Yamamoto

Jimenez Verdejo Juan Ramon

Indra Menus

Ryoya Fudetani

Ami Yamasaki


Fairuz Sulaiman


Narawan Pathomvat

Suzy Sulaiman

柴田 祐輔


Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)

Ami Yamasaki