Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival – Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019

  • 申請団体 Umar Kayam Foundation
  • インドネシア
    • 演劇
  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
令和元 (2019) 年度
JPY 1,597,060

Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019 was held in Yogyakarta between July 26 to 29, hosted by Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival and Umar Kayam Foundation. The meeting consist of discussion, studio visit, and playreading. The meeting took place in Graduate School of Indonesia Art Institute Yogyakarta and Institute Francais Indonesie Yogyakarta Auditorium. The theme of Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019 was “States of Crisis.” The theme came up from the plays and playwrights invited to the meeting, almost all the play offered different kind of crisis, also the offered different views of the region, and at the same time also shows similarities of Asian countries.
Asian Playwrights Meeting curated by Alfian Sa’at (Singapore), Gunawan Maryanto (Indonesia), Muhammad Abe (Indonesia), and Shinta Febriany (Indonesia), who decide to invited the playwrights from Southeast Asia and Japan, consist of: Chea Sokyou (Cambodia), Ibed Surgana Yuga (Indonesia), Jean Tay (Singapore), Maria Christina Pangan (Philipina), Nophand Boonyai (Thailand), Suguru Yamamoto (Japan). Beside the playwrights the curators also invited observers and speakers, consist of Aya Ogawa (Japan-US), Ikun Kuncoro (Indonesia), Jaa Pantachat (Thailand), Joned Suryatmoko (Indonesia), Riyadhus Shalihin (Indonesia), Ugoran Prasad (Indonesia).
The curators also selected and invited the readers of the play from directors and actors from all around Yogyakarta. Most of the directors and actors have been working with previous edition of IDRF. All of the events involved around more than 100 people.
In the four day of the meeting the events are packed with enthusiastic audiences that follows the reading and discussion thoughtfully, giving interesting questions, and also initiating further discussion outside the events.


日本, シンガポール, フィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシア, タイ, カンボジア, 米国
Joned Suryatmoko (Teater Gardanalla)
Muhammad Abe (IDRF)
Gunawan Maryanto (Teater Garasi)
Lusia Neti Cahyani (Teater Garasi)
Alfian Sa’at (Wild Rice)


Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019 is a means to continue the previous Asian Playwrights Meeting (2009, Tokyo and 2011, Melbourne), this edition is also serve as a contemporary theatre and playwriting map for Asian countries. Even though we have invited seven playwrights, we missed out playwright from Vietnam, Lao, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam, and Timor Leste. There is also discussion to develop the network more than Southeast Asian countries and Japan but also involving country such as Taiwan, India, Palestina. There is also a chance to develop the meeting as a platform to develop an exchange between playwright and theatre maker.



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