The planning and organization of the second meeting and symposium of the Asian Dramaturgs’ Network (ADN) took place in TPAM2017 – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama, Japan, from 16th to 18th February 2017. A total of 28 speakers from 10 countries gathered to speak, attend and participate in a workgroup discussion, panels, roundtables and dialogues. These international participants and speakers were from diverse arts backgrounds of theatre, dance, community arts, festival commissioning and programming, cultural management, and arts advocacy, with experiences as practitioners, academics, scholars, researchers, and educators. The meeting was held in two venues in TPAM.

- 関連する国/地域
- 日本, シンガポール, フィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシア, タイ, インド, スリランカ, オーストラリア, ドイツ etc.
- 協力団体/協力者
- TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜 2017