In conjunction with the Philippines Autism Consciousness Week, the proposed event was conducted based on the partnership built between government agencies and civil society organizations in the Southeast Asia and Japan. The event aimed to build a basis of dynamic exchange between Southeast Asia, particularly countries in the Mekong sub-region, and Japan about autism and recreation, leisure and sports as the first attempt in this area.
Over 400 participants from the Mekong countries and Japan enjoyed the opportunities for the human exchange. They gained knowledge and experience of the Philippines in terms of recreation, leisure and sports in the autism context. The participants also learned the outcome and impact of the movement at the national level through the Angel’s walk for Autism.
All the partners recapped the findings and lessons learned and, all the activities conducted were reviewed to make sure that knowledge and experience gained from the Philippines would be available in the Mekong countries.

- 関連する国/地域
- 日本, フィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシア, タイ, ベトナム, カンボジア, ラオス, ミャンマー, ブルネイ