KARNABAL Festival 2016 and Continuing International Exchange

  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成27 (2015) 年度
PHP 1,590,936.82

KARNABAL is a two-week multi-site festival based in Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, engaged more than 200 artists and around 3,000 audiences through different platforms for performances and exhibitions, training, dialogue and idea exchange. It ran from July 21 till 31.
KARNABAL Festival 2016 is a pioneering contemporary laboratory for performance and social innovation in the Philippines. It highlighted the community of leading change-makers whose works and practices are representative of the alternative wave of art-making in the country. Also featured are emerging groups and individuals in search of platforms for play and exploration, as well as international artists immersed in creative multi-field connectivity and collaboration with Filipinos.
In 2016, KARNABAL focused on “Development” and involved more artists and audiences from the margins and grassroots, and furthered the development of international collaborative relations as it concentrated on the discovery and continuing incubation of innovative and socially engaged creative practices within and outside the capital. Included in the latter were 3 growing collaborations between Japanese and Filipino artists, carried over from KARNABAL 2015.

平成29年度実績 https://grant-fellowship-db.asiawa.jpf.go.jp/ja/grant/cc1717/

日本, シンガポール, フィリピン, オーストラリア, 英国, ドイツ



KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform


国際共同制作『RE/PLAY DANCE Edit.』


Creators’ Cradle Circuit Work In Progress:アジアの次世代のための越境型移動舞台芸術祭を作る方法

演劇教育による子どもたちのエンパワーメント-PETAの“Safety Zone”構築に学ぶ-




日本・フィリピン・タイ アジア共同プロジェクト

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2017 Meeting

Jejak-旅Tabi Exchange: Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance

小池博史ブリッジプロジェクト 汎アジア計画 『戦いは終わった-マハーバーラタより』タイ制作・タイ&東京公演ツアー

範宙遊泳×The Necessary Stage 滞在制作・公演(シンガポール/東京)

Creators’ Cradle Circuit Work In Progress 2019-2020:アジアの次世代のための越境型移動舞台芸術祭を作る方法