"The study of crossing cultures through international relationship between small cities in Southeast Asia and Japan."
Som is interested in crossing cultures through international relationships between Southeast Asia and Japan. People bring their beliefs, customs, and cultures with them to feel at home while adapting to a new environment. It happens in capital cities, but also in small cities dotted around borders, along the rivers, coasts, or strategic locations. She is interested in their cultural relationship by looking at the influence and adaptation of their skills of languages, arts and crafts, architectures, etc. The project will be held in Japan, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Myanmar. It will be a resource for her future artworks/projects.

- 主な活動地
- 日本:東京、横浜、沖縄、札幌 マレーシア:クアラルンプール、ラブアン ブルネイ:バンダルスリプガワン シンガポール:シンガポール ミャンマー:ヤンゴン、マンダレー
- 受入機関/協力者
- 特定非営利活動法人 アーツイニシアティヴ トウキョウ (AIT/エイト)
- Arts Tropical
- 進藤冬華
- 伊藤隆介(北海道教育大学岩見沢校 教授)
- Nani Kahar (LabDNA)
- Hazairi Hassan and Lyna Musmanlyna
- Yasmin Jaidin
- ポール・クー
- Jeremy Chu
- Myanm/art
- 国際交流基金ヤンゴン日本文化センター