Lost in Sounds: A Soundscape Research in Southeast Asia - Japan
This research is aiming to study about soundscapes in Southeast Asia and Japan. During almost five months of this research, Gardika Gigih Pradipta have recorded many sounds in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan. A pilgrimage of sounds, starting from traffic, market, rituals and religious activities, street vendor, children sounds, etc. Then, based on the selected recording, he analyze and write about soundscape as a cultural narratives - an etnography of sounds. Pradipta propound this research as an alternative way of 'seeing' (listening to) Southeast Asia and Japan nowadays. Through this study, he strongly feel that soundscape is a reflection of our reality, our life and our culture nowadays. People could listen and ‘see’ each other by sounds around them.

- 主な活動地
- タイ:バンコク、チェンマイ ベトナム:ハノイ、ダナン、ホーチミン マレーシア:クアラルンプール、ペナン シンガポール 日本:東京、仙台市、札幌、京都市、大阪市、長崎市、岡山県
- 受入機関/協力者
- 會田 瑞樹
- Bagaskoro Byar Sumirat/Sun Symphony Orchestra
- Yanin Bandhaya
- Guan Yu Lam