The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory

  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成29 (2017) 年度
PHP 1,057,889.46

The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory is a pioneering artist-run international program for independent contemporary performance, founded by Manila-based theater company Sipat Lawin Ensemble. It is directed towards expanding the possibilities of performance and social development by directly addressing the creation of “New Cultures” and “Future Histories” in its various platforms for (1) presentation of performances, live works, exhibits, and the like; (2) cultural and artistic education for artists and communities; and (3) redirection via guided creation and development of new socially-engaged works by the next wave of artists and cultural leaders in the Philippines and abroad.
The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory aims to:
1. Be the center for national, regional and international solidarity and exchange of practices in performance and social development.
2. Take leadership in developing and providing accessible alternative education for capacity building of communities and artists in culture-making.
3. Streamline and make accessible to wider audiences and bigger communities the socially- engaged performance created by artists and communities contributing to national development and cultural (r)evolution, through its Presentation X Education X Redirection framework.


日本, フィリピン, 台湾


The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory has pioneered a holistic, sustainable model for providing a platform for artists to create new and necessary performances with, for and as communities. In this kind of model, there is a profound paradigm shift in performance-making, from sustaining an artistic practice that makes works that speak about a “world” in which an artist may give relevant insight, but from which the artist is nonetheless isolated; to developing an artistic practice that speaks within/from the world of a community that the artist responsibly engages with or is a part of, and makes methodical research on/with. There is a firm recognition that the inherent, and much needed transformational potential of performance-making is maximized in this long-term developmental model, especially since the artist is given managerial, dramaturgical, and technical support by the platform itself.
Karnabal sees the urgency for people to come together as co-creators; for communities to witness and experience for themselves what is possible beyond their normal ways of being and doing, and to experiment and play with alternatives through creative collaborations. Karnabal paves the way for these to happen. Throughout the years, it has nurtured performances as entrypoints to reinventing cultures, promoting diversity, unity, innovation and deeper togetherness, not only among Filipinos, but also with collaborating Japanese artists and other international participants who offered much needed fresh perspectives from the outside. The challenge now is to streamline and strengthen methods in providing support and guidance to artists with their communities, and to find more artists and communities willing to engage in this kind of art-making.
The help and assistance provided by the Japan Foundation Asia Center was absolutely vital. More than the financial and networking support, it is the trust and radical openness they showed to the propositions and espoused values of Sipat Lawin Ensemble and the whole Karnabal Community that gave fertile ground for this still growing project to flourish.



KARNABAL Festival 2016 and Continuing International Exchange

KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform


KARNABAL Festival 2016 and Continuing International Exchange

Jejak-旅Tabi Exchange Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance

東南アジア島嶼部 異文化共同プロジェクト 『島嶼の王国シリーズ:ゴング三部作 』

小池博史ブリッジプロジェクト 汎アジア計画「幻祭前夜~マハーバーラタより」アジアツアー

ONE ASIA Joint Concert 2016

Japan-Mekong Autism Recreation and Sports Festival


Jejak-旅Tabi Exchange Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance

Vientiane Performing Arts Festival 2016

小池博史ブリッジプロジェクト 汎アジア計画「幻祭前夜~マハーバーラタより」アジアツアー

演劇教育による子どもたちのエンパワーメント -PETAの“Safety Zone”構築に学ぶ-

日本・フィリピン・タイ アジア共同プロジェクト

ろう者と協同する人形劇団、ラオス×日本の共同ワークショップ プロジェクト