Sports for persons with autism can play a vital role in their well-being. It can prevent weight gain, and has therapeutic benefits too. Thus, adapted sports are specifically created to be inclusive of athletes of all ages and abilities in participating in team sports. Also, parents and trainers’ involvement in sports play an important role in maximizing the potential of persons with autism. They can be effective trainers on adapted sports if given an opportunity to acquire a comprehensive understanding of autism development through Disability-Inclusive Sports (DIS), and via a participatory learning method.
Overall objective is strengthening the relationship among Japan, Mekong countries and other relevant ASEAN countries by narrowing the development gap within the Mekong region, from the perspective of “Mekong-Japan Autism Sports for Tomorrow” in parallel with ASEAN Para Games 2020 in the Philippines and Tokyo Paralympics 2020.

- Related Countries
- Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Government of Lao PDR
- Association for Autism in Laos
- Vientiane Autism Center, Laos
- ASEAN Autism Network (AAN)
- Autism Society Japan
From the Organizer
The grant has not allocated a budget for meeting packages, which forced APCD to find other sources from private sectors. If it is possible, we would like to propose and request JF’s support on the meeting packages budget.