Play Campaign 2019 – Sharing experience of Japanese Adventure playground, the concept of Playworker and advocacy of adventure playground between Japan – Vietnam, in the meaning of modern education view for children

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2018
Grant Amount
JPY 1,978,407
Country of Activity
Vietnam, Japan

Play Campaign 2019 _ Adventure Playground is an initiative of Think Playgrounds to raise awareness of the importance of play for the healthy development of children in Vietnam. The method is to organize Play events and play conferences to communicate with Vietnamese public and Play experts from Japan, in order to connect the experience of play promotion in similar Asia Cultures yet different socio-cultural economies. With the first adventure playground setting up at Swan Lake Park - Ecopark and series of workshops and seminars, this project has achieved successfully all the planned targets. With 48 playworkers and volunteers, over 2000 children (data for one month of operation), 200 audiences and over 1000 followers, the history of adventure playground in Vietnam was started from here and will be expanded in the near future. Besides, a strong network of professional in playground development has been created between Vietnamese and Japanese experts. This foundation will provide a great opportunity to collaborate in the future for a common vision: Accessible, Inclusive and Free Play for children all over the world.

From the Organizer

This project is very significant not only for Vietnamese children but also for Vietnamese parents, families and communities. The Adventure playground is a model create strong connection between children, children and adults, children and environment, community and their neighborhood. It's important for the future of mankind that we create a happy living between each other and also between us and the environment. This Grant has created an opportunity for Vietnam to shorten the time to achieve these goals by learning experiences and values from Japanese Experts. Especially when Japan has a history of 40 years of adventure playground.

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