SCENE/ASIA is a dynamic platform that facilitates interaction with the multiple scene in Asia, both the performance scene and social and cultural scenes. Through enhancing discourse, the project aims to cultivate an active spectatorship in the Asinan contemporary performing/performance arts scenes. Researching the social, cultural, political, religious, economic and other interrelated factors influencing art in various regions in Asia, the project aspires to deepen contextual understanding as well as trans-regional discussions. On the SCENE/ASIA website, online curations of five Asian regions are presented bimonthly, as well as reports of fieldwork conducted in Southeast Asian cities. SCENE/ASIA also convene an annual symposium in which all the SCENE/ASIA curators and researchers come together from across Asia. In addition, it programs festivals and also organizes theatre events with a focus on audience participation and discussion. Through all its various activities, SCENE/ASIA invites people to experience the rapidly changing Asian scenes and to expand their ideas and visions for Asia.
SCENE/ASIA website

- Related Countries
- Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- Five Arts Centre