Heritage Tourism Research Project

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2017
Grant Amount
JPY 7,089,433
Country of Activity
Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Japan

The project was conducted jointly with universities from ASEAN countries and consisted of an examination of the promotion of tourism in each of the cities visited through a review of tourism resources. This year, two new universities – Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) and Souphanouvong University (Laos) – jointed the universities that had taken part since the first year of the project – University of Science Malaysia (Malaysia), Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and Hanoi University (Vietnam). Groups from each university visited each of the other universities and, working together with students from other universities, conducted surveys focusing on tourism resources, and particularly tourism resources related to food, in order to investigate new tourism promotion policies. We are currently conducting a trial of one method of promoting tourism, by introducing the tourism resources of each of the cities on a website. Information from the two newly joined cities has been added to the Heritage Tourism Research Project website (http://heritagetourismproject.org/) that was launched last year, and we are currently preparing multi-lingual introductions to each of the cities. Furthermore, the symposium was held at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies on 29-30 March 2018 at which researchers from each university had gathered together to announce the results of this year’s project.

Project Website http://heritagetourismproject.org/

Related Countries
Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos

From the Organizer

In April of this year, the Department of Global Tourism will be newly established at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. The responsible department for this project at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies is scheduled to change from the Department of Global Affairs to the new Department, which will lead the project with a further strengthened faculty team. In addition, the project will be designated as one of the key research areas in the new department. As well as maintaining the network that has been built up with the major ASEAN universities, we will aim to recruit more universities to join the project and establish it as a future joint-research platform for tourism research in ASEAN.

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Heritage Tourism Research Project

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