Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2017
Grant Amount
Country of Activity
Cambodia, Japan

The renovation of the Western Causeway of Angkor Wat is a task involving technical and cultural exchange, study, and training. It is a key cultural venture, pertaining to the nations of Japan and Cambodia. From Autumn 2015 to 2020, over a period of six years, we have been involved in the training of vital human resources, with a view to fulfilling our assignment. It is a task to be jointly realized by the Angkor International Research Team of Sophia University and the APSARA authority of Cambodia, via the mutual exchange of technical knowhow. By inviting and sending out delegates, both parties have organized both in Cambodia and Japan the Angkor Wat Technical Exchange Training Committee (a group geared towards technical education and guidance with regard to construction), and by this mutual exchange, we seek to endorse a meticulous plan for technology transfer. For the compilation of a basic plan with regard to design and construction,
1. We shall conduct an enquiry into the restoration site of Angkor Wat, paying particular heed to the issue of torrential rains that fall in the wet seasons.
2. We shall conduct an enquiry into the Western Causeway, as well as an archaeological investigation of the surrounding moat. (This will be carried out by both Cambodian and Japanese experts working as a team).
3. By dispatching experts, we intend carrying out the safety supervision of the Western Causeway, the training necessary for equipment operators, and other essential issues.


Related Countries
Japan, Cambodia
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem-Reap (APSARA)

From the Organizer

成果・所感:「『人と人との国際協力』を掲げ カンボジア人によるカンボジアのためのアンコール・ワット修復 (By the Cambodians, for the Cambodians)」
遺跡の保存・修復は現地のカンボジア人の手によって修復がなされることが望まれる。 3年間にわたる助成金によりカンボジアのアプサラ機構と日本の技術委員との交流研修委員会を通じ、またICC(アンコール遺跡国際調整会議)の意見を取り入れつつ、現在の参道のオリジナルを残しながら解体・修復方針もほぼ決定した。その間、修復に携わる石工・技術員等の養成も進んだ。保存・修復の専門家がいないカンボジアにおいて解体・修復工事をこれまで指導してきたが、新しい修復技術がどのように生かされるか人材養成の真価が問われる本番である。 引き続き助成をお願いする次第である。
展望: 日本政府はこれまでアジアの復興開発に積極的に関与し、外交活動における平和構築の支援の成功例となっている。西参道完成の暁には増加する観光人口を適正に受け入れ、水道取水計画、上下水の工事、さらに環境配慮型のマスタープラン策定など総合的に発展できるようインフラ建設などに協力することが望まれる。

Projects related to this Grantee


(日) アンコール・ワット修復人材養成プロジェクト (英) Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Countries of Activity

Mekong Hub for Cultural Changemakers: Cultural Leadership in SE Asia

International Co-production – RE/PLAY DANCE Edit.

国際共同制作『RE/PLAY DANCE Edit.』

DigiCon6 ASIA

Cambodia Opera Project 2019

Asia Plays 2019 Book Publishing and Launching


Tokyo University of the Arts “Silk Road” Special Exhibition

Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project

The YOUKIZA & Youth Theatre of Vietnam 2016 collaboration “WILD DUCK ADDICTION”

Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA)


Japan Cambodian Collaboration in Traditional Performing Arts 2017