Japanese and Southeast Asian collaboration project of performing arts

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2016
Grant Amount
JPY 2,083,089
Country of Activity
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam

In FY2016, Artistic Director Junnosuke Tada and two associate artists (Momoko Shiraga and Yutaka Tanoue) researched talented artists in various countries to learn a great deal about the trends and current situations in performing arts in five Southeast Asian countries. This was the first year of the Japan-Southeast Asia Performing Arts Co-Production Project, a project for co-producing and performing works with contemporary theater and dance artists in Southeast Asia from FY2017 to FY2019. Tada researched in Indonesia and Malaysia, Shiraga in Thailand, and Tanoue in the Philippines and Vietnam, which are co-production candidate countries.

photo: Kazuyuki Matsumoto
Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

From the Organizer

The three artists conducted research in five Southeast Asian countries, by which they were able to communicate with related institutions and more than 30 persons involved in the performing arts from a wide range of ages and build networks. This research involved cooperation from persons well versed in the current circumstances of local performing arts, thereby providing encounters that could only have been gained through this research, from greatly experienced artists who have worked in Japan to young artists with new ways of thinking. Experiencing each country’s climates, lifestyles, and cultures was also of great importance for future production. KIRARI FUJIMI, as a designated city cultural center manager, autonomously conducts projects with its own limited resources, and the support of this grant is essential for these international co-production efforts. KIRARI FUJIMI also has little local information, so this grant is of great importance not only in terms of funding, but including presence of the Japan Foundation’s offices in these countries.

Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

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The Tale of Two Countries: The Future of Urban Kampung and Cityness

Multitude of Peer Gynts: An Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

国際共同制作『RE/PLAY DANCE Edit.』

The community improvement in East Asia – Infectious diseases, demographics, urbanization and rural areas

Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project Pan Asia “Mahabharata Part 3” Indnesia Tour


Japan & Thailand Collaboration “Sleep in Peace” (temporary title) by Theater company RINKOGUN

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth of the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan

ろう者と協同する人形劇団、ラオス×日本の共同ワークショップ プロジェクト

HANCYU-YUEI × The Necessary Stage Stay Creation and Performance (Singapore/Tokyo)

The YOUKIZA & Youth Theatre of Vietnam 2015 collaboration “WILD DUCK ADDICTION”

International co-production project of performing arts with Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thai and Indonesia