The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2016
Grant Amount
JPY 3,008,770
Country of Activity
Japan, Thailand

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We investigated art works, engaged in the exchanging of experts and held exhibitions in Thailand for the purpose of building networks between Japan and Thailand centered on Art Brut, and creating new interpretations and value relating to this. This art work investigation project involved visiting local welfare facilities for the disabled to conduct interviews, and meeting with 10 unique artists introduced through Mr. Jumphol Chinaprapath, an art therapist, to investigate their creative processes. The expert exchange project involved the holding of symposiums in both countries, in addition to discussions on location in Thailand. Ms. Rosalina Alexander, representative of The Rainbow Room Foundation, was invited to the symposium held in Shiga, where she gave a lecture on the work performed by the Foundation. Further, three experts from both countries also gave talks at Chulalongkorn University. Exhibitions were held in both Japan and Thailand and contained works encountered throughout the investigative process in an attempt to actively raise awareness of Thailand’s Art Brut.

Project Report                                                                                                                                                                                                    Achievements of FY 2017

Related Countries
Japan, Thailand
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Jumphol Chinaprapath (Self+Art Borderless Museum)
Rosalina Alexander (The Rainbow Room Foundation)

From the Organizer

The fact that, through actual investigations of Art Brut works, and processes to disseminate information on Art Brut in the form of exhibitions and symposiums, we were able to create circumstances which brought collaborators from Thailand agreeing to take part in this project together based around Art Brut is seen as a major success towards the further promotion of Art Brut in Thailand. Using the grant provided, we were able to create opportunities to provide a greater understanding of Art Brut, and to further entrench Art Brut within wider Thai society. Looking ahead, we hope to expand Art Brut investigation and awareness activities not just in Thailand, but in other Asian countries as well. Specifically, we plan to conduct such activities in Indonesia and China, in addition to Thailand, in FY2018.

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The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia

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The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia


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