Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

  • Organizer Name The Nihon Ki-in
  • Japan
    • Traditional Culture/Cultural Heritage
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2016
Grant Amount
JPY 2,820,802
Country of Activity
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia

Go teaching knowledge was provided to leaders in ASEAN countries, and young players who seek to become the next generation of leaders. Likewise, under the common goal of popularizing Go, the participants in this project took a key role in building a mutual cooperation relationship through the Nihon Ki-in and Go associations of ASEAN countries, furthering cooperation among the countries. In the future, in order to promote the introduction of Go education in ASEAN countries, the knowledge. accumulated in Japan will be jointly researched, seeking to implement Go courses in schools of the various countries, and disseminate those results to the world.

Achievements of FY 2017
Achievements of FY 2015

Singapore: A Go lesson by Toshifumi Mizuma at Tampanies Primary School
A coaching course by Wang Wei Jen with parental guardians at the Go Association of Thailand
Malaysia: A Go lesson at Bin Hwa Independent High School
Thailand: A Go lesson at Prince Royal's High School
Malaysia: A Go lesson at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Primary School
Related Countries
Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Go Association of Thailand
Singapore Weiqi Association

From the Organizer

The Go leaders currently teaching courses at elementary or high schools were extremely interested in lectures by professional players. In Thailand, parental guardians are very actively involved in popularization of Go, and showed a high level of interest toward the pro players of this project, which gave us a strong impression of future potential for implementation in schools. By having Japanese professional players visit directly and take part in the project, our countries grew much closer, and the forming of a foundation for mutual research and cooperation was one major result of the visit. In regard to inviting professional players from Japan, being that nearly all the Go associations in ASEAN countries are still developing their infrastructures, the cost is a major issue, so the grant covering travel and lodging fees this time provided great support. Also, around the theme of spreading Go in schools, working together with Japan in this project, as a country in which Go is highly popularized, lent great credibility to the popularization efforts of local leaders.

Projects related to this Grantee


Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

Countries of Activity

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Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN



Human resource development related to conservation of the Sambor Prei Kuk Heritage Sites in Cambodia

Japan Cambodian Collaboration in Traditional Performing Arts 2017

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN

Nihon Ki-in Go Camp for ASEAN