1st International Conference on Asian Nonprofit Sectors and International Joint Research on Asian Nonprofit Sectors

  • Organizer Name The Toyota Foundation
  • Japan
    • Others (Social)
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 9,336,450
Country of Activity
Japan, South Korea


From the Organizer

本事業終了後のフォローアップの一環として、ICANS(International Conference on Asian Nonprofit Sectors)参加者を中心にした調査事業「アジアにおける社会イノベーション調査研究(Research on Social Innovation Eco-System in Asia)」の支援を行うこととした。

Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Culture and Art Hub Creation Project for Persons with Disabilities JAPAN×ASIA DANCE DRAMA ‘Breakthrough Journey’

Preserve, invigorate and reinvent Beaten Bark Heritage in Indonesia: multinational collaboration project for save Wayang Beber

Fab life in Satoyama (collaboration project with Asian creative in Ibaraki-prefecture)

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2018 Satellite Meetings

Rising Indies! Tokyo-Manila


ろう者と協同する人形劇団、ラオス×日本の共同ワークショップ プロジェクト

Measuring Social Enterprise Research Exchange and Learning in Asia (MSE-REAL)

Research and Conference for Facilitating Corporate Mecenat Activities and Establishing a Network in Asean Countries

Extension of the platform for energy design and creative society in Asia

Regional exchange programme on sustainable community development through community learning centres (CLCs)

Research and Conference for Facilitating Corporate Mecenat Activities and Establishing a Network in Asean Countries