Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’ Dialogue

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 6,932,299
Country of Activity
Indonesia, Japan

本事業の目的は、日本と東南アジア各国の有識者が課題を共有し、解決策を共同で議論し提案すると同時に、民主主義を支え課題解決に取り組む、自由で公開された議論の場を日本と東南アジアの場に創設し、アジアの民主主義をより拡大させる健全な世論の形成に寄与することである。そのための舞台を、まず日本及び東南アジアの大国であるインドネシアに構築するため、2015年12月より各関係者と協議を重ねてきた。元々は、アジアにおいて世界の政府首脳が参加する有力な舞台「バリ民主主義フォーラム (BDF)」との連携を念頭に入れていたが、ジョコ・ウィドド政権下での影響力の低下から、独自に国内の有力なシンクタンク及びオピニオンリーダーの協力を交えて実施する運びとなった。

2016年度採択事業 https://grant-fellowship-db.asiawa.jpf.go.jp/ja/grant/cc1627/ 
2018年度採択事業 https://grant-fellowship-db.asiawa.jpf.go.jp/ja/grant/cc1838/

Related Countries
Japan, Indonesia, India, Iran, U.S.A., Russia etc.
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
The Centre for Strategic and International Studies, CSIS
Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
Institute for Peace and Democracy (IPD)

Projects related to this Grantee


Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Countries of Activity

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Community Radios for promoting dialog beyond borders for building resilient communities

Development of disaster technical assistance and crisis mapping for the earthquake in Aceh

Kuricorder & Friends Asia 6-nation Music & Art Collaboration Project

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Indigenous Youth in the Philippines and Indonesia

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue


2nd Japan Study Tour

2nd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Joint research project on capitalism in South East Asia

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Empowerment of Children through Educational Theater: Learning from PETA’s Creative Process of Using Arts

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue