The project organized four workshops with Takayuki Shimizu and a group of local craftspersons in the village of Muntuk, District of Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Territory.
The local group's six members can now produce good crafts products of woven bamboo independently. They had done one exhibition together with Shimizu, and one exhibition of their own works in Yogyakarta.
They had given four workshops to a total of 65 participants in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Besides conducting workshops, Shimizu had also visited bamboo craft center in Surakarta district and Kulonprogo district. He learned the local technique and about building construction with bamboo. He also interacted and explored collaboration with traditional silversmith in Kotagede, southeast of Yogyakarta city. Six local craftspersons, who were the immediate young neighbors of our Bumi Pemuda Rahayu sustainability learning center, had associated themselves into a craftsperson group named "Pringgodani", and they have begun receiving orders for their products.

- Related Countries
- Japan, Indonesia
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- Arsitek Komunitas Yogyakarta
- KUNCI Cultural Studies Center
- etc.