Wathann Film Festival ♯5

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
USD 17,045
Country of Activity

Wathann Film Fest #5 has been a successful event with a total of 4131 visitors. It has once more proven its importance as platform focusing on films produced and filmed in Myanmar, be it experimental, documentary or fictional films. We invited filmmakers, artists, curators, festival programmers to the festival to exchange the culture, to build the mutual understanding and to collaborate on creative works. We invited Japanese animation artist and art curator to Myanmar to provide animation workshops to the local community, who are interested in gaining experience about and creating Animation Films. We organized two workshops in Yangon and Mandalay.
Very important were the discussions that we had throughout the festival, in the Q&A sessions as well as during breaks and at the ceremonies and parties. The majority of the audiences have been filmmakers and film lovers, mainly from Yangon, Myanmar. There were also a number of international guests from foreign organizations working in Myanmar. The festival is also for the latter a good opportunity to understand more the inner workings of Myanmar culture. The master classes showcased an interesting range of historic and new films and talked about intentions. There was a discussion with the audience as well.

Achievements of FY 2017 https://grant-fellowship-db.asiawa.jpf.go.jp/en/grant/cc1702/

Related Countries
Japan, Myanmar, Germany, Czech Republic

Projects related to this Grantee


Wathann Film Festival #7

Countries of Activity


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