Held a symposium featuring Asian tradition and creation that included a musical performance. We presented a song that was inspired by the Japanese traditional Noh song composed by two young internationally renowned Asian composers and deepened our understanding of Asian tradition and creation. In addition, we decrypted the notation of traditional Noh songs and published it on the website in the two languages of Japanese and English. We shared the archive on the internet and built a platform for cultural creation that allowed people to collaborate on composition work from a remote location.
Website featuring the reports http://ryokoaoki.net/e/2016/02/2016220-noh-x-contemporary-music-vol4.html

- Related Countries
- Japan, Singapore
- Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
- Diana Soh
- Noriko Koide
- Mizuki Aita
From the Organizer
Although traditional song notations exist in Noh, only people who speak Japanese and have been trained in Noh can understand it. In order to help composers all over the world access this, we compiled the notation method, created it in Japanese and English, and published it on the website. We then shared the archive on the internet. A new network for Asian cultural creation was constructed in which people could compose while being at a remote location. Despite the bad weather, the day of the symposium proved it to be a great success, as the venue was filled in addition to people standing to watch. In the latter part of the Q&A session, a lot of questions were asked without interruption, showing the audiences’ great interests. The results of the questionnaire were also generally favorable evaluation.