“ZETTAI RED” performed in collaboration with Singapore musician

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 3,216,807
Country of Activity

We performed GRINDER-MAN’s “ZETTAI RED” at Flipside 2015, a performance festival in Singapore, as a collaboration with Japanese dancers/musicians and Singapore musicians. The purpose of Flipside, a performance festival event in Singapore, is to “flip” the traditional image of existing art in order to gather more attention toward such art. “ZETTAI RED” was performed for three days, from June 5th to June 7th 2015. A total of six performances were carried out, with two performances a day. The performance made use of the wide outside space of the venue, Esplanade theatres on the bay. Countless people were left in awe at the high-quality stage act provided by the heightened physical abilities of the performers, the rhythmical drum beat, and the giant red balloon used as part of the stage set.

Related Countries
Japan, Singapore
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Ye Junmin (Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay)
Rydwan Anwar (Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay)
Bloco Singapura

From the Organizer

Judging from the reactions of the audience, the sponsors, and the satisfaction of the staff, we believe that the project was a success. Everything started from our wonderful encounter with Singapore percussionists. The superb performance skills, situational awareness, and cheerfulness of the five members from percussionist group Bloco Singapura had a strong impact on the Japanese dancers and musicians. “How do we collaborate with people or groups of different languages and cultures?” We believe this project has led us to one possible answer. The thorough three-day rehearsal brought about a flexible yet solid performance on stage. Music and dance are closely tied together in a stage performance. The gradual mix of these two components with the purpose of presenting a performance was certainly a process of cultural exchange.

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