Noorul Fadzlee Bin Khamis

  • Designer
  • Malaysia
    • Urban and Community Development
  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2018
January 19, 2019 - March 19, 2019
Country of Activity

Studies on Small Architectural Practices in Japan

The field of Architecture within the Asian region has always been significantly decorated with names from the land of the rising sun. Noorul is proud to have known the names like Kenzo Tange and Fumihiko Maki among others, and looking towards in the near future, there are many emerging architectural practices that are paving the way towards the next generation of Japanese contemporary architecture. The research aims to shed light in the inner workings and thinking of some of the most knowledgeable practitioners in Japan, by understanding what drives them forward within the context of the 21st century contemporary architecture. The outcome of the project should than be used as a guide for other small / medium architecture practices across the Asian region.

Main Cities of Activity
Japan : Tokyo, Osaka
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
Atelier Kazuki Wakahara
Nahoko Wada / Access Point Tokyo
Satoshi Okada Architects
Atelier Ryo Abe
Activity Reports
Studies on Small Architectural Practices in Japan

Fellows related to this Grantee


Lilia Halim


Fairuz Sulaiman

Okui Lala

Suzy Sulaiman


Countries of Activity


Okui Lala

Simone Shu-Yeng Chung





Simone Shu-Yeng Chung